Getting the best out of your managers
Your People Potential training programmes have been developed to ensure they are active, dynamic and enjoyable within a learning framework. The experiential sessions may include role playing, open discussion and the sharing of case studies. Where relevant, sessions are spaced apart over several weeks to allow delegates to transfer their training into the workplace and feedback on any issues raised.
Training for managers
Our management training programmes cover:
- Stress management
- Motivation
- Time management
- Communication
- Conflict management
- Promoting equality and diversity
- Performance management
- Mental health
- Building resilience
- Change management
- Overcoming unconscious bias
- Monitoring mental health
- Delegation and workload management
- Emotional intelligence
- Managing a remote team
A bespoke training course can be developed for your organisation or alternatively you can choose one of our established programmes.
If you would like to find out more about our 2019 Management Development Course you can download the information here…Management Development 2019
Coaching for managers
Through our coaching service, managers are provided with a trusted partner outside of the organisation. Managers can explore workplace issues, increase self-awareness and identify patterns of behaviour with us as a sounding board and supportive ally.
Our role is to help managers to develop strategies and put them into action to grow their teams