These can be broken down into the following signs:
- Withdraw
- Aggression
- Regression
- Physical
- Work performance
- Other behavioural changes – drink, smoke, drugs, sleep,
- Arriving late to work
- Leaving early
- Extended lunches
- Not taking lunches
- Absenteeism
- Resigned attitude
- Reduced social contact
- Elusiveness/evasiveness
- Leaving the company
Be aware of the different ways this can be displayed for remote workers, very easy not to engage or get involved in work as much.
- Malicious gossip
- Criticism of others
- Vandalism
- Shouting
- Bullying or harassment
- Poor employee relations
- Temper outbursts
With remote workers: Short or blunt emails, bullying behaviour, outbursts in meetings, muttering and undermining others in meetings etc.
- Crying
- Arguments
- Undue sensitivity
- Irritability/moodiness
- Over-reaction to problems
- Personality clashes
- Sulking
- Immature behaviour
- Becoming more needy
Remote workers: May be the same, may be coming to you and needing more constant reassurance, may appear sulky and not wanting to talk about things.
Physical signs
- Nervous stumbling speech
- Sweating
- Tiredness/lethargy
- Upset stomach/flatulence
- Tension headaches
- Hand tremor
- Rapid weight gain or loss
- Constantly feeling cold
Remote working: Speech, listen to what people are saying about their physical health, look for changes in personal hygiene.
Work performance
- Declining/inconsistent performance
- Uncharacteristic errors
- Loss of control over work
- Loss of motivation/commitment
- Indecision
- Lapses in memory
- Increased time at work
- Lack of holiday planning/usage
Remote working: It may take longer for these to show up, recognise this may be the first sign managers respond to, it is rarely the first sign of a problem.
Other behaviours
- Out of character behaviour
- Difficulty in relaxing
- Increased consumption of alcohol
- Increased smoking
- Accidents at home or work
- Reckless driving
- Unnecessary risk taking
Remote working: Again you will need to listen and pick up on things people talk about, are they saying they are getting drunk more. Knowing your people is key.
Stress Signature
Recognising your own stress signature can help manage your stress levels.
Consider what you do or how your behaviour changes when you are stressed, either in the moment or afterwards.