Delegation is a useful tool that can help us to organise and manage our workload and time.
It is also a helpful development tool for staff and provides an opportunity for managers to work with individuals in a coaching style.
This can help individuals expand their skills and knowledge while developing confidence, morale and motivation.
Poor delegation:
- Causes frustration
- Demotivates
- Confuses the other person
- Fails to achieve the task or purpose itself.
How we delegate will have a strong impact on whether the individual ‘sinks or swims’ when carrying out the delegated task.
What to delegate:
- Administrative or clerical tasks
- Standardised decisions and tasks
- Tasks that follow set processes or well-defined rules
- Tasks that others handle while you’re on holiday
- Tasks that will aid other people’s development
What not to delegate:
- Tasks with unclear objectives or deadlines
- The stakes are particularly high
- Tasks that offer you an enriching learning experience or a chance to grow your skills
- Tasks that rely on your unique strengths, talents, expertise, or level of authority for a successful outcome