Reminder on tasks to delegate:
- Administrative or clerical tasks
- Standardised decisions and tasks
- Tasks that follow set processes or well-defined rules
- Tasks that others handle while you’re on holiday
- Tasks that will aid other people’s development
Picking the Right Person – Now that you have a better understanding of the task at hand, you can pick a person to delegate it to.
Remember situational leadership need to have the skills and the motivation
Match with skills and motivation to do the task.
Select the right person to delegate this task to: Do they have the necessary skills and strengths for the task?
Development potential:
Identify what impact this will have on their job satisfaction and personal development
Current workload. & Reliability:
Consider their current workload and ability to complete the task in the required timeframe
Ensure you can rely on them to deliver within the required timeframe
Who in your team is ready for a delegated task that is a stretch and an opportunity to develop?
Before delegating, ensure the individual you have selected has:
- The right skills and knowledge to take on the role
- The motivation to do it
- Whether they will need additional support/training/coaching to develop their skills further
- They have the capacity to accept the additional workload
- They are reliable
All things to consider when delegating:
- The task I want to delegate
- Who I want to delegate to
- Their skills and knowledge that will support them
- Their motivation for the task
- Additional support they will need
- Current workload
- Reliability