Mindful walking can lead to unique individual benefits; clearer thinking, less anxious and better able to access personal resources to build resilience.
Taking a walk outdoors can break you out of a mental stalemate or a negative train of thought.
If you are sitting at your desk struggling to come up with inspiration, a mindful walk might be just what you need to get you back on track. It’s also a welcome break from the high intensity workouts many of us put ourselves through throughout the week. It feels good to walk outdoors without concentrating on calorie burn and it also increases the release of ‘anti-stress’ endorphins.
With so much going on around you, it may be difficult to compartmentalise of all the noise in your head. Walking outdoors in nature helps you to switch off, to disengage from fast thinking and problem-solving, while savouring the sights, scents and sounds of Mother Nature.
David Lynch, Our Mindful Coach, would like to invite HR professionals to a lunchtime walk to experience the combined wellbeing effects of exercising mindfulness in the natural beauty of central Cambridge. Twenty minutes out of a busy schedule is enough to revive concentration and productivity.
If you would like to sign up please call 01954 267640 or email gemma@yourpeoplepotential.co.uk