If you manage people the current situation of enforced home working will be having an impact on your people, that is nothing like normal home working.
Every day we are provided with more and more information. This creates uncertainty which can lead to increased anxiety.
Whole industries are having to close for the foreseeable future. Those who are working from home may have the added distraction of children to look after.
Productivity has been impacted massively, while workloads may have reduced or increased significantly, depending on the industry you work in.
Managers need support to know how to manage remote workers during times of crisis. We have developed a 2-hour, online training session to help your managers understand the impact of the current changes on our mental health, and what they can do as managers to support their people, maintain morale and continue to create a sense of being part of a team.
To find out more about this low-cost offering email today or call 07880 776756.