Steve Johnson - A few weeks ago, I shared a poll on LI about HR tasks we’d be glad to hand over to AI. I can’t say much about the results, because only 2 people answered, which is …
10 Steps to Help Managers Give More Productive Feedback, with Less Stress
Photo 118616667 | Giving Feedback © Tero Vesalainen | I’ve never met someone who looked forward to delivering bad news, and giving constructive feedback can often feel like that. We …
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The Multi-Generational Workplace: How do we Communicate Well Across Generation Gaps?
Photo 102926483 © Andrii Klemenchenko | Do you see or hear any of this in your workplace? Managers faced with big expectations from early career team members …
Imposter Phenomenon and Leadership: How Does it Affect Senior Leaders (and Their People)?
I had a conversation with an HR Director not so long ago, whose company had promoted a new CEO. One of the first things the new CEO said was that he wasn’t interested in growing or in personal …
Why Leadership Training doesn’t work for Senior Leaders
Photo by Sora Shimazaki | Pexels ‘Hang on a minute’, I can almost hear you saying, ‘does that mean we shouldn’t offer leadership training to our senior people?’ Actually, that’s not what I mean. I …
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The UK’s Management Problem: Why don’t we believe in management & leadership training?
Photo by Pixabay According to a recent report by the CMI, the UK has a big management problem. With evidence from approximately 4,500 employees, both managers and those managed by others, the …