Lots of us are exhausted, people haven’t felt so comfortable going away during the pandemic, and we are getting into winter, which can get a little tough at the best of times. Now it’s getting colder …
Tackling the Stigma of Men’s Mental Health
There’s something of a stigma when it comes to men’s mental health, and this can leave many men struggling to come to terms with their own emotions. Indeed, mental health is a challenge that many men …
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How Does an Unequal World Affect Mental Health
Every year, on October 10, The World Federation for Mental Health (WFMH) encourages us all to consider mental health, and asks us to focus on various aspects of mental health education and …
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The Importance of Taking Holidays – Even When There’s nowhere to go
In normal years, the majority of us will want to take our annual leave to coincide with going away and taking a holiday – however, for 2021, this isn’t always possible. For many of us, 2021 has been …
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Coaching through Change.
We have all read the articles on how our work lives are going to change post COVID-19. Maybe some of us read these with trepidation, while others embrace the change with enthusiasm, but we can all …
The impact of you.
Let's talk equality and the importance of all staff understanding the issues around equality and being aware of the impact of their behaviours. On a recent Equality & Inclusion training course …